Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Friday, June 02, 2006

Great Coverage in Mid-Michigan

I wouldn't note this, except for the fact that Rudy's speech in Saginaw earlier in the week seems to have scored more than the perfunctory writeup or traffic report in each of the local papers, instead meriting half a dozen articles.

This Midland Daily News column is typical, entitled "Giuliani had a lot of charisma, wowed crowd." Though I didn't quite know about this personal detail:

He left the stage in mid-speech for a restroom break, a problem since his bout with prostate cancer seven years ago. But when he returned, he spoke of having opportunities that arise from adversity, such as the fact that his prostate cancer was detected early enough for the doctors to do something about it. He put a very human, and a very honest, face to a problem we often only read about.
Not something you'd want to have happen during an acceptance speech or debate, but how many other politicians would have the confidence to pull that off?

More local coverage here, here, here, here, and here. That's six pieces about a single event.

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