Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Friday, July 21, 2006

Rudy Runs Strong in Free Republic Straw Poll

I hadn't seen this, but given the eyebrow-raising coverage of Freeper polls in the past, I guess I should have.

The Freepers recently ran their own Presidential straw poll, which found Rudy running fourth. Normally that's bad news, but in a race where Tom Tancredo runs first, I'd say it's pretty remarkable. (Look at who's second to last.)

Tom Tancredo 26.6% 1,610
George Allen 19.1% 1,159
Newt Gingrich 17.7% 1,071
Rudy Giuliani 13.2% 802
Jeb Bush 9.4% 568
Sit it out 4.0% 241
Mitt Romney 3.5% 214
Mike Pence 3.0% 179
John McCain 2.7% 161
Bill Frist 0.9% 52


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