Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tradesports: Allen's Gaffe Puts Rudy in Second

For the first time in months, Rudy Giuliani is second in Tradesports' rankings for the '08 nomination. George Allen has fallen from 16.0 to 13.4 in a day (he was down to 12.0 earlier in the day) after his "macaca" slip. Rudy is holding steady at 14.6 after his recent rise.

The consensus seems to be that this hurts him far more outside Virginia -- where the stakes are higher -- than inside. The reaction may be overblown and P.C., but reacting to their guy's cameraman is a real bush league mistake, and not a real good one to make if you're trying to convince insiders you've got the right stuff for the meatgrinder of Presidential politics.  

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy my Red State triumphalism as much as anyone, but where W. makes it look good-natured, Allen just makes it look obnoxious.

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