Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Thursday, August 24, 2006

You Must See World Trade Center

I finally saw World Trade Center tonight. And I must confess I don't see very many movies because even the good ones nowadays don't seem to stick with you for very long.

This one will -- in a way no other film can. It will send chills down your spine. It will make you upright in your seat, always at attention -- and lift a cloud from your eyes and make you see clearly the unfiltered truth that the media (and fading memories) has obscured for almost five years.

For me, it made me relive the emotions of that day almost minute by minute. As numbed as we've become to what's at stake in this struggle for survival, the steely resolve of that day does return quickly if only we are given the right medium to relive what we felt that day. World Trade Center is just such a medium.

In the years after 2,403 Americans perished at Pearl Harbor, over 400,000 American military men and women would give their lives to ensure the defeat of totalitarian fascism. In the post-9/11 era, it is doubtful we will ever be called upon to make a sacrifice of similar magnitude to defeat the scourge of global terror -- and shame on us every day we dishonor the heroes with words like "quaqmire", "exit strategy", and "withdrawal."

A man named Dave Karnes understood that defending freedom isn't easy. He is the ex-Marine in the film who recognized instantly we were at war, and rushed to Ground Zero to join the rescue. He was the first to join the battle, and since re-enlisted, serving two tours in Iraq.

Much less is required of us, but we still have a mission, America. A mission to finish what we started.  

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