Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rudy: I'd Pick Scalia as Chief Justice

My eyes about jumped out when I saw this. Yes, this man is running for President.

From the Solutions America email newsletter:

While in Ohio, Rudy called into the Bill Cunningham radio show. Speaking about the Supreme Court, Rudy said: "Justices Roberts and Alito were both colleagues of mine [in the Reagan Justice Department] - people I worked with and I admire tremendously. I thought that they were inspired choices that the President made - inspired in many ways, because they also were people who had a strong conservative background and strict constructionists." He added, "Justice Scalia was also a colleague of mine...and he probably would have been my choice for Chief Justice."
As you can see, Rudy went even further than in the answer teased out by The Bij last August. He's not just for "strict constructionists" but for a "strong conservative background." And instead of nominating a solid Rehnquist-like conservative like John Roberts for Chief, he would have gone further and picked Antonin Scalia.

What's more, Rudy's commitment to a conservative judiciary is genuine. He is the only Presidential candidate to have been intimately involved with the judicial system and who worked directly with the most solid Supreme Court Justices we have.

On judges, Rudy can be trusted, absolutely and completely. He won't pick Souters who will legislate from the bench or trample on our First Amendment or Second Amendment rights.

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At 9:22 PM, Blogger Kavon W. Nikrad said...

All he has to do is mention the name Bill Pryor to send me into a fits of judicial ecstasy!

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Mr. Dart said...

This is exactly what he needs to do to alleviate anxiety with the social conservatives.

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