Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rudy Giuliani is Electable - Obvious Statement of the Day

Cross Posted from the FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog

Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani holds up a card listing his 12 Committments to the American people as he speaks to a group in San Francisco, Monday, July 23, 2007.

The brain donors over at WaPO can read their own poll.



Rudy Giuliani Watch: California Dreamin’ - Summer in the Inland Empire

Giuliani Notes: Rudy Continues Commanding Double Digit Lead in Latest Washington Post - ABC News National GOP Presidential Poll

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At 7:53 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I would like to see all the candidates address the United States’ commitment to the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals, which call for cutting world hunger in half by 2015 and eliminating it altogether by 2025. Indeed, it is estimated that the expenditure of a mere $19 billion would eliminate starvation and malnutrition worldwide. In a time when the current defense budget is $522 billion, the goal of eradicating world hunger is clearly well within reach and it is my hope that whoever becomes president in 2008 addresses this pressing issue.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger motife said...

World Hunger is caused by the socialist policies followed by most Third World nations.

For a classic example, look no further than Zimbabwe, once one of the largest food exporters in Africa and now, destitute and starving thanks to Robert Mugabe's socialist tyranny.

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Generalissimo said...

Mmm, can't quite agree with you there 100%.

The inherent inefficiency of a Socialist system could very well lead to widespread hunger (see: USSR, Cuba, etc), but most of these African nations more resemble Fascism. They generally all feature a tyrannical dictator who expropriates land and wealth to prop up the industries (military-industrial, etc) that keep him well-off. This is usually allowed to happen because of a severe deterioration of civil institutions, like rule of law and checks & balances. That can happen in Socialism, but it almost always will happen in Fascism.

The approach that the UN, IMF, World Bank and other development agencies have taken are at least as responsible for the widespread destruction and hunger as the dictators themselves. Their hearts are in the right place, but their policy prescriptions are in the gutter. Read William Easterly's "The White Man's Burden" and you'll see what I mean. The "eradication of world hunger" will never happen if we keep approaching it in the same patronizing, parochial way we do now.


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