Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Rudy's the Frontrunner! 4 in 10 Republicans Find McCain Unacceptable

Memo to the wizened Beltway insiders at the Hotline, the Note, and the Washington Post. THIS is why us Rudyites keep on insisting that our guy is the man to beat, and why we get so cranky when McCain is looked at as anything but a nonfactor. The Gallup poll finally asks the question most of us have been wondering about:

A new Gallup poll asking Americans theirs views of 25 leading candidates for president in 2008 found that one of the Republican frontrunners, Sen. John McCain, is judged "unacceptable" by 41% of those in his own party.

A bare majority, 55%, find him "acceptable." In contrast, 73% of Republicans give their okay to rival Rudy Giuliani. Condoleezza Rice got the thumb's up from 68%.
Most of the opposition to McCain comes from conservatives, possibly explaining his moves in that direction lately.

Interestingly, the Republicans with the highest "unacceptable" ratings are Vice President Cheney (61%) and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (52%).
John Weaver is in a world of hurt right now.

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At 11:57 AM, Blogger Argo Journal said...

Will the MSM finally get it, that John McCain is NOT a viable candidate for the GOP?

What's most interesting is that neither the headline nor sub-headline by Gallup mention the fact that Rudy Giuliani, at 73%, is the nation's most acceptable nominee. This poll also establishes Giuliani as the clear frontrunner at this point for the 2008 presidential election, especially when you consider that Condi Rice has, time and again, expressed no interest whatsoever in running.

Proceeding forward, the media must be called out on their touting of McCain as the GOP favorite, rubbing their collective noses in the fact that the Arizona senator, who turns 70 next month, is starting off with 41% of Republicans declaring him unacceptable, with a relatively tepid 55% deeming him an acceptable GOP nominee.


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