Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Poll Watch - NBC News/WSJ & ABC News/Washington Post Polls

Rudy’s in command in both polls:

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff (R). Dec. 8-11, 2006. Asked of Republicans, and non-Republicans who said they would vote in a Republican presidential primary (from a total sample of 1,006 adults nationwide). .

“Let me mention some people who might seek the Republican nomination for president in 2008. If the next Republican primary for president were being held today, for which one of the following candidates would you vote?” If unsure: “Well, which way do you lean?”

Rudy Giuliani 34

John McCain 29

Newt Gingrich 10

Mitt Romney 8

Sam Brownback 2

Mike Huckabee 2

George Pataki 1

Tommy Thompson 1

Other (vol.) 2 None (vol.) 3 Unsure 8

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Dec. 7-11, 2006. N=1,005 adults nationwide. Fieldwork by TNS. Results below are based on leaned Republicans. .

“If the 2008 Republican presidential primary or caucus in your state were being held today, and the candidates were [see below], for whom would you vote?” Names rotated .

Rudy Giuliani 34

John McCain 26

Newt Gingrich 12

Mitt Romney 5

George Pataki 3

Tommy Thompson 2

Sam Brownback 1

Duncan Hunter 1

Chuck Hagel -

Mike Huckabee -

Tom Tancredo -

None of these (vol.) 6

Unsure 9

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