Giuliani Blog Tracking the likely Presidential candidacy of Rudy Giuliani

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Is Bob Corker's Primary Win a Prelude to a Rudy Sweep in the South?

I'm just askin', because I'm not the expert on Tennessee politics, and I genuinely don't know.

What I do know is that Corker was the more moderate candidate (and even had the "pro-choice" card thrown at him), and as of now, he's winning an outright majority of the primary vote against two more conservative primary opponents who were experienced statewide candidates. The polls show Corker beating Harold Ford, Jr. by double digits while Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary struggled to stay even. He was the only one who could beat Ford... sound vaguely familiar?

Sure, you can't necessarily transpose the politics of a Senate primary to a Presidential race, but to assume that conservative primary voters will go into Pavlovian convulsions when confronted with a "moderate" candidate is surely an oversimplification, and one that's belied by Bob Corker's strong showing tonight.

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At 9:24 AM, Blogger RudyBlogger said...


This or my other posts aren't meant to cast aspersions on Rudy's conservative credentials. The fact is that no matter how conservative Rudy is in fact, he will attacked right out of the box as a "moderate" because of some statements as Mayor of NYC. TN is an example of conservative primary voters not buying into the attacks. In fact, I think Corker is much more conservative than anyone who's even been accused of being a RINO, and will be a much more reliable vote than McCain hatchet man Lindsey Graham.

Rudy has governed as a conservative. He cut crime and welfare dramatically, reduced the size of government, and cut taxes and spending -- all in the place that needed it the most. His record on national security is rock solid, from being the lead U.S. Attorney on the Achille Lauro attack to kicking Arafat out of New York to his steadfast resolve to ensure we are never attacked again. No one in the field can match Rudy's national security credentials, even John McCain who disqualified himself with his ill-advised "torture" amendment.

Also of note: Rudy is the only candidate with experience in the judicial system and was the #3 in the Reagan Justice Department. He has spoken out against liberal judges. I think we can trust his instincts there too.

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